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Experiences of Groups (1922-1945)

Modern History (Year 12) - Methods of Control

Ben Whitten

The experiences of individuals and groups in Soviet Russia between 1922 and 1945 varied widely depending on their social class, occupation, and political beliefs. Here is an overview of the experiences of several groups:

  1. The Nobility: The Soviet government viewed the nobility as a privileged and exploitative class that needed to be eliminated. Many members of the nobility were either executed or exiled to Siberia during the early years of the Soviet regime. Those who were not killed or exiled were stripped of their titles, property, and wealth.

  2. The Clergy: The Soviet government was officially atheist, and it saw the Russian Orthodox Church as a threat to its authority. During the 1920s and 1930s, the government carried out a campaign of repression against the church, closing down churches, arresting priests, and confiscating church property. Many priests were executed, and the church was forced underground.

  3. The Workers: The Soviet government claimed to represent the interests of the working class, and it sought to improve the lives of workers through policies such as the five-year plans and the creation of collective farms. However, workers also experienced repression and brutality at the hands of the government. Labor camps, or gulags, were used to imprison workers who were accused of opposing the government.

  4. The Peasants: The Soviet government's policies towards the peasantry were complex. On the one hand, the government sought to modernize agriculture and increase food production through the collectivization of agriculture. However, collectivization was often carried out in a brutal and violent manner, with peasants being forced off their land and their property confiscated. Many peasants resisted collectivization, leading to widespread famine and suffering.

The experiences of individuals and groups in Soviet Russia between 1922 and 1945 were marked by repression, violence, and upheaval. While the Soviet government sought to create a more equitable society, it often did so through brutal and inhumane means, leading to widespread suffering and hardship.

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