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Narrative Conventions

English (Year 12) - Fiction Language Features

Ben Whitten

Fiction Language Features

  • Characterisation: This is the process by which a writer creates and develops the personalities of the characters in a story or novel. It involves describing their physical appearance, behavior, thoughts, feelings, and motivations.

  • Setting: The setting refers to the time, place, and general environment in which a story takes place. It can include details such as the weather, landscape, architecture, and social or cultural customs of the time.

  • Symbolism: This refers to the use of symbols to represent abstract ideas or concepts. For example, a white dove might symbolize peace, while a snake might represent evil or danger.

  • Dialogue: Dialogue is the conversation between characters in a story. It can reveal their personalities, relationships, and conflicts, and move the plot forward.

  • Foreshadowing: This is a literary technique in which the author hints at events that will happen later in the story. It can create suspense and anticipation for the reader.

  • Point of view: Point of view refers to the perspective from which a story is told. It can be first-person, where the narrator is a character in the story, or third-person, where the narrator is an outside observer.

  • Tense: Tense refers to the time in which a story is told, whether it is in the past, present, or future.

  • Perspective: Perspective refers to the viewpoint from which a story is told, which can affect how the events are interpreted and understood by the reader.

  • OCCR (Orientation, Complication, Climax, Resolution): This is a basic plot structure used in storytelling, where the story is introduced, a problem or conflict arises, tension builds to a high point, and the conflict is resolved.

  • Suspense: Suspense is the feeling of tension or anticipation that is created in the reader as they wait for the outcome of a particular event or conflict in the story.

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