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Persuasive Speech Conventions

English (Year 12) - Non-Fiction Language Features

Ben Whitten

Persuasive Speech Conventions

These conventions are specific to persuasive speech conventions in conjunction to the techniques listed in the "persuasive techniques" page.

  • Opening to refer back to: The speaker starts their speech by referring back to a previous event, statement or idea to connect with the audience and gain their attention.

  • Silence: The speaker intentionally uses silence as a tool to pause and create emphasis or to add weight to a certain point they are making.

  • Music: The speaker uses background music to create a certain atmosphere or to evoke emotions in the audience.

  • Props: The speaker uses physical objects or demonstrations to illustrate or emphasize their point.

  • “What if” or “Imagine” scenario: The speaker paints a vivid picture of a hypothetical situation to make the audience consider the consequences of not taking action on the issue being discussed.

  • Visual aids: The speaker uses visual aids such as slides, videos, or charts to help the audience better understand the information being presented.

  • Modes of persuasion: ethos, pathos, logos: The speaker uses different persuasive strategies to appeal to the audience's logic (logos), emotions (pathos), or credibility (ethos).

    • Ethos: The speaker establishes their credibility and trustworthiness to the audience.

    • Pathos: The speaker evokes emotions in the audience to connect with them and make them care about the issue.

    • Logos: The speaker uses logical arguments and evidence to persuade the audience to take a certain action or to believe a certain idea.

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