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Observing, Question and Planning

Geography (Year 12) - Geography Knowledge

Adrienne Reeder

The vital geographic questions ask, Where is it located? Why is it there? What is the significance of the location? As students pose additional questions, they seek responses that help to organise spatial understandings: What is this place like?

The seven geographical concepts of place, space, environment, interconnection, sustainability, scale and change are the key to understanding the places that make up our world. These differ from content-based concepts such as weather, climate, megacities and landscapes.

Step 1: Ask

Approaching a problem (related to where mountains, rivers, cities, etc., are located) involves framing the question from a location-based (way of seeing things / realistic view of what is and is not essential). What problem are you trying to solve or carefully study, and where is it located? Being as specific as possible about the question you're trying to answer will help you with the later stages of The (land-area-based/location) Approach when you're faced with deciding how to set up the analysis, which (related to careful studying or deep thinking) methods to use, and how to present the results to the target audience.

Step 2: Aquire

After clearly defining the problem, it is necessary to decide/figure out the data needed to complete your analysis and learn (or check) where that data can be found or created. The type of data and your project's (land-area-based/location) scope will help direct your methods of collecting data and managing and doing the analysis. If the process of analysis needs/demands described/explained and high-level information, it may be necessary to create or calculate the new data. Starting new data may mean calculating new values in the data table or getting new map layers or attributes, but it may also require geoprocessing. Sometimes you might have to think about using substitute measures, which allows data creation through indirect means. For example, a money-based indicator can be used as a substitute for income. However, because of the limits in collecting (very close to the truth or true number) data in this way, it is necessary to point to/show in your results how the data was collected.

Step 3: Examine

You will only know whether the data you have bought/have owned/have received is appropriate for your study once you examine it entirely. This includes visual (careful examination of something), as well as (asking lots of questions about/trying to find the truth about) how the data is organised (its schema), how well the data goes along with/matches up to other datasets and the rules of the physical world (its topology), and the story of where the data came from (its (descriptive information, like picture date, GPS location, etc.)). Since the data (in the end) selected for your analysis depends on your original question or questions, as well as the results that you are looking (for) and how those results will be used, your examination may be dependent on how exactly the data must be to answer the original questions. Because data purchase/getting/learning can be the most expensive and time-using/eating/drinking part of the process, it is essential that you begin with a (clearly visible/clearly understood) data model for your organisation and your project. This will provide the basis for (figuring out the worth, amount, or quality of) possible data purchases.

Step 4: Analyze

The data is processed and carefully studied based on the method of examination or analysis you choose, which depends on the results you hope to (accomplish or gain with effort). Understanding the effects of limits/guidelines you have established for the analysis and the sets of computer instructions being used is critical to comprehend/explaining the results correctly. Do not underestimate the power of "looking over" the data. The results can help you decide whether the information is valid or valuable or whether you should rerun the analysis using different limits/guidelines or even a different method. GIS modelling tools make it (compared to other things) easy to make these changes and create a new output.

Step 5: Act

The results and presentation of the analysis are essential parts of The (land-area-based/location) Approach. The results can be shared through reports, maps, tables, and charts and delivered in printed form or digitally over a network or on the Web. You need to decide on the best means for presenting your analysis. You can compare the results from different studies and see which method gives the most information (in a way close to the truth or actual number). And you can custom-design the results for different audiences. For example, one audience might require an ordinary report summarising the analyses and bringing across recommendations or similar other choices. Another audience may need an interactive format that allows them to ask what-if questions or chase after added/more analysis. One more audience may need to know how the results affect them or their interests.

This approach provides the necessary (solid basic structure for bigger things to be built) for GIS analysis. It helps secure/ensure (very close to the truth or actual number) results (able to be proven true). By carefully recording/writing down, storing old things, and sharing your results and way(s) of doing things, others (people who work to find information) receive the opportunity to (check for truth/prove true) your findings. This practice, called (being completely honest and telling people everything), also allows (related to studying numbers) measures of the reliability of this data to be established.


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